Post # 25 Trumpspeak Unlocked and a Big Day in our House
I think our mountain is social distancing:

I woke up around 3 am this morning from a dream that actually made me laugh. In my dream, I had a major epiphany. I had unlocked the secret to Trumpspeak!
It was like figuring out the Hammurabi Code.
It's really simple and as a public service I am laying it out immediately instead of putting it through rigorous academic testing which could take a year or more.
Here it is:
Any time Trump says, "I love the....... people" or "I love the people of......"
That is the surest sign that he has, is about to, or is, screwing them. Try it, and you'll see it works every time, beginning with "I love the American people."
It works with all the subsets too:
"I love the people of Michigan"
"I love our first responders."
"I love the Asian people."
Think about it, he says he loves Republicans, and then he says he wants to open up counties in Nebraska, Iowa, place that Dr. Fauci says have a few cases but are "the tinders that start the fire." To open up those places without proper testing, Fauci said on CNN this morning, is dangerous.
So, Trump might have a 90 percent approval rating among Republicans, but beforewarned you GOP members out there, you are fucked. If you live in Nebraska or Iowa or if you are anywhere or or a member of any group that Trump says he loves, run for the hills. He's out to get you, if he hasn't yet.
To put it a little more seriously: It's clear from his press conferences that Trump is lying every time he moves his lips. We know, and he has made it clear, that the most important thing to him is his ratings and his re-election chances, which he believes go hand in hand. Yesterday, after declaring that he would be pleased if *only* 100,000 to 200,000 people died, he went to talk about how his ratings are as high as The Bachelor finale. Even for him, it was a despicable performance.
But it's clear that he knows when he says such stupid shit that there's an element of the population that knows he is full of it: these are the people who are suffering as a result of his policies. Hence, there's a science behind unlocking Trumpspeak. He always says he loves the group because he knows that we know that he's screwing them, and he thinks that it will somehow fool them into thinking that he is on their side. It may have worked in 2016, but my guess is after all the untold death and misery he will preside over, the old axiom "you can't fool all the people all the time" will come barreling home to bite him in the ass.
This morning, I watched Jay Carney of Amazon tell Brian Stelter on CNN that Amazon cares for its employees and their health and safety is the company's highest priority. Today is also the day that Amazon workers at a warehouse in Staten Island are so incensed over the horrible working conditions that they are walking off the job. Carney is using Trumpspeak!
This is a big day in our house. Tonight before dinner, assuming she is symptom free, we will throw open the door to Lizzie's room and our little nuclear family will be whole again. We are counting the hours.

I woke up around 3 am this morning from a dream that actually made me laugh. In my dream, I had a major epiphany. I had unlocked the secret to Trumpspeak!
It was like figuring out the Hammurabi Code.
It's really simple and as a public service I am laying it out immediately instead of putting it through rigorous academic testing which could take a year or more.
Here it is:
Any time Trump says, "I love the....... people" or "I love the people of......"
That is the surest sign that he has, is about to, or is, screwing them. Try it, and you'll see it works every time, beginning with "I love the American people."
It works with all the subsets too:
"I love the people of Michigan"
"I love our first responders."
"I love the Asian people."
Think about it, he says he loves Republicans, and then he says he wants to open up counties in Nebraska, Iowa, place that Dr. Fauci says have a few cases but are "the tinders that start the fire." To open up those places without proper testing, Fauci said on CNN this morning, is dangerous.
So, Trump might have a 90 percent approval rating among Republicans, but beforewarned you GOP members out there, you are fucked. If you live in Nebraska or Iowa or if you are anywhere or or a member of any group that Trump says he loves, run for the hills. He's out to get you, if he hasn't yet.
To put it a little more seriously: It's clear from his press conferences that Trump is lying every time he moves his lips. We know, and he has made it clear, that the most important thing to him is his ratings and his re-election chances, which he believes go hand in hand. Yesterday, after declaring that he would be pleased if *only* 100,000 to 200,000 people died, he went to talk about how his ratings are as high as The Bachelor finale. Even for him, it was a despicable performance.
But it's clear that he knows when he says such stupid shit that there's an element of the population that knows he is full of it: these are the people who are suffering as a result of his policies. Hence, there's a science behind unlocking Trumpspeak. He always says he loves the group because he knows that we know that he's screwing them, and he thinks that it will somehow fool them into thinking that he is on their side. It may have worked in 2016, but my guess is after all the untold death and misery he will preside over, the old axiom "you can't fool all the people all the time" will come barreling home to bite him in the ass.
This morning, I watched Jay Carney of Amazon tell Brian Stelter on CNN that Amazon cares for its employees and their health and safety is the company's highest priority. Today is also the day that Amazon workers at a warehouse in Staten Island are so incensed over the horrible working conditions that they are walking off the job. Carney is using Trumpspeak!
This is a big day in our house. Tonight before dinner, assuming she is symptom free, we will throw open the door to Lizzie's room and our little nuclear family will be whole again. We are counting the hours.
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